Kenji Rohn
Berkeley, California


I spent many weekends during my sophomore and junior years working on an automotive racing game. Using Blender, Adobe Illustrator, and other software, I designed an interactive 3D map and planned out all the systems of the game. I managed a team of three programmers to build the frontend and backend, a 3D artist to create intricate vehicles, and a UX/UI designer to handle graphical interactive components. My goal was to donate a portion of the profits to a charity that teaches kids how to code. Unfortunately, the game never achieved the viral success that I hoped for, but it was still a lot of fun and I learned a lot.

I started a YouTube Channel in the 6th grade to promote my homemade Lego stop motion animation movies and my candy dispenser creations. Using my parent's phone and a stop-motion animation app, I would spend hours taking hundreds of individual photos and piecing those photos together to create a single video. It was a tedious process that required creativity, proper lighting and a great deal of patience. Check it out!